Политика конфиденциальности и Политика защиты детей

Privacy policy and the use of cookies

  1. This Privacy Policy sets down the rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided by users in relation to their use of services offered by the Hotel Logos w Suwałkach (hereinafter referred to as: Website)
  2. The administrator for the personal data contained on this Website is ZWIĄZEK NAUCZYCIELSTWA POLSKIEGO based in Warszawa, address: Smulikowskiego 6/8, 00-389 Warszawa, registered in Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XIX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego under KRS number: 0000150507, NIP: 526-000-18-84, Regon: 001081029, operating under its organizational unit: Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego ZG Hotel „Logos” w Suwałkach, address: ul. T. Kościuszki 120, 16-400 Suwałki (hereinafter referred to as: Administrator).
  3. In order to protect the security of personal data, the Administrator acts on the basis of the internal procedures and recommendations, in accordance with the relevant legal acts on personal data protection, and in particular in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 EC.
  4. The Administrator shall take special care to protect the interests of the persons the data refer to, and in particular, ensure that personal data is:
    • lawfully processed;
    • collected for specified, legitimate purposes and not subject to further processing inconsistent with these purposes;
    • essentially correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
    • stored in a form which allows the identification of persons to whom they relate, no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing.
  5. Personal data is processed on the basis of the consent expressed by the users of the Website and in cases in which the provisions of applicable law authorize the Administrator to process personal data.
  6. Personal data of the users of the http://www.suwalki.hotellogos.pl/ website, shall not be sold or made available to third parties and are subject to profiling, i.e. automated processing in order to assess and define personal characteristics or the users' needs.
  7. The data processed by the Administrator shall be made accessible to the user who provided the data to the Website. The user shall also have the right to modify these data, request them to be forwarded to another entity and to limit or terminate the processing of their personal data at any time. The user may also withdraw the prior consent to the processing of his/her data and request removal of his/her personal data from the Website at any time.
  8. In order to exercise the rights specified by the provisions of point 7, the Website user should contact the Administrator (using the same e-mail address or phone number which had been provided to the Website) at this email biuro-suwalki@hotellogos.pl
  9. The Administrator performs the function of obtaining information about users and their behaviours in the following way:
    • through the collection of cookies
  10. Upon the first visit on the Hotel Logos w Suwałkach website, the user shall be informed about the use of cookies. By staying on the site, the user accepts the use of regular cookies on the Website. Lack of changes to the browser settings on the user's side is equal to the consent to the use of cookies.
  11. The installation of cookies is necessary for the proper provision of services on the Website. Cookies include information necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, in particular, those which require authorization. At any time, the user may change the settings of his/her browser to either accept or reject cookies or in a way which notifies the user of the failure to place these files on his/her computer.
  12. The Website uses the following types of cookies
    • session - remain in the browser until the user turns it off or log off from the Website on which they are included.
    • permanent - remain in the device's web browser until they are deleted by the user or for a predetermined period specified in the cookie file parameters.
  13. The Website may contain links to other websites which operate independently of the Website and are not supervised by the Website in any way. These websites may have their own privacy policies and regulations which we recommend are read carefully.
  14. The Administrator reserves the right to change the privacy policy of the website, which may be caused by the development of Internet technology, possible changes in the law regarding the protection of personal data and the development of the Website. We will inform users of all changes in a visible and understandable way.

Privacy policy

Personal data

The administrator of personal data collected via the http://www.suwalki.hotellogos.pl/, website in order to implement the hotel service agreement is ZWIĄZEK NAUCZYCIELSTWA POLSKIEGO based in Warszawa, address: ul. Smulikowskiego 6/8, 00-389 Warszawa, registered in Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XIX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego under KRS number: 0000150507, NIP: 526-000-18-84, Regon: 001081029, operating under its organizational unit: Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego ZG Hotel „Logos” w Suwałkach, address: ul. T. Kościuszki 120, 16-400 Suwałki. (hereinafter referred to as: Administrator).

Hotel Logos w Suwałkach ensures that rights granted by the Act on the personal data protection of August 29, 1997 (unified text – Journal of Laws of 2014, item 118) will be protected, and in particular the data subject has the right to obtain information on processing of his/her personal data, as well as the right to demand the data to be corrected, completed or erased in cases specified in the Act, and also the right to make a justified demand in writing, in cases specified in the Act, for the blocking of the processing of his/her data, and the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data for marketing purposes. Personal data is not transferred to any other administrator or personal data.

Hotel Logos w Suwałkach respects the privacy of its clients and follows the Guidelines for the Processing and Obtaining Personal Data in Hotel Logos w Suwałkach. The unit treats the personal data which is gathered in a confidential manner and applies necessary measures, including security measures, to protect users’ personal date against the accidental deletion or loss of data, and against unauthorised access, publication or modification of data.


Personal data provided by the user to the Hotel during the reservation process shall be used for the purpose of making the reservation. After the end of user’s stay, his/her personal data, including details of the stay such as the type of room/accommodation and facilities used, is stored.

Cookie files

The http://www.suwalki.hotellogos.pl/ website uses cookie files - the data gathered by these files is used solely for the administration of the Website. Data which can be used to identify the user is not transferred to any third party. This data is not used to identify particular visitors to the site, but only for statistical purposes. Statistical data is not made available to any person other than authorised site administrators. Cookies are small text files which are placed on the user’s hard disk by the user’s web browser. The site uses cookies to gather statistical information. The website may also use cookies to remember the user’s preferences, login, and user data. Cookies from this Website and others can be blocked in the browser, normally by changing privacy settings. This will make it impossible for files to be installed on the user’s computer, and may create difficulties in using the Website. More information about cookies is available at: http://www.aboutcookies.org/.

More detailed information: e-mail: biuro-suwalki@hotellogos.pl

Polityka ochrony dzieci


Mając na uwadze treść wytycznych Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych w zakresie biznesu i praw człowieka, uznając istotną rolę biznesu w zapewnieniu poszanowania praw dzieci, w szczególności prawa do ochrony ich godności i wolności od wszelkich form krzywdzenia ZNP ZG Hotel Logos w Suwałkach wdrożył zasady i procedury w przypadku podejrzenia, że dziecku, które przebywa w Hotelu Logos w Suwałkach, się krzywda oraz w celu zapobiegania takim zagrożeniom. Politykę ochrony dzieci w naszym obiekcie będziemy realizować poprzez niniejsze zasady.

  1. Hotel Logos w Suwałkach prowadzi swoją działalność operacyjną z najwyższym poszanowaniem praw człowieka, w szczególności praw dzieci jako osób szczególnie wrażliwych na krzywdzenie.
  2. Hotel Logos w Suwałkach uznaje swoją rolę w prowadzeniu biznesu społecznie odpowiedzialnego i promowaniu pożądanych postaw społecznych.
  3. Hotel Logos w Suwałkach w szczególności podkreśla istotność prawnego i społecznego obowiązku zawiadamiania organów ścigania o każdym przypadku podejrzenia popełnienia przestępstwa na szkodę dzieci i zobowiązuje się szkolić swój personel w tym zakresie.
  4. Hotel Logos w Suwałkach zobowiązuje się edukować personel na temat okoliczności wskazujących, że dziecko przebywające w obiektach sieci może być krzywdzone oraz w zakresie sposobów szybkiego i odpowiedniego reagowania na takie sytuacje.
  5. Jedną z form skutecznego zapobiegania krzywdzeniu dzieci jest identyfikacja dziecka przebywającego w obiekcie hotelowym i jego/jej relacji w stosunku do osoby dorosłej, z którą przebywa w obiekcie. Personel Hotelu Logos w Suwałkach zastrzega sobie prawo do podejmowania kroków zmierzających do przeprowadzenia identyfikacji dziecka i jego relacji z osobą dorosłą, z którą znajduje się w obiekcie.